GLC solicitors with the radical socialist
lawyer, Michael Mansfield QC |
GLC solicitors Lorraine Barrie and Lindsay Paterson joined the Trades Union Congress (TUC)
'All Together' campaign in London at the weekend to show Scottish law centre solidarity with the TUC's call for an alternative to the unfair and savage cuts the UK Government is imposing on welfare benefits and vital public services across the UK.
The TUC suggest progressive and fairer alternatives such as investing in growth and introducing fair taxation. A tiny tax on big financial transactions by banks – a Robin Hood tax – could raise £20bn per year.

The TUC say that tax avoidance by big companies and the super rich is more than £40bn a year. And investing in our public transport, housing and the green economy can build a sustainable future.

All together: Scottish law centres show solidarity with TUC campaign
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