Tuesday 20 September 2016

Govan Law Centre's 2015/16 annual report: everyone deserves the best professional legal services

Govan Law Centre has published its annual report on its legal work for the year 2015/16. You can download our report here (opens as PDF). 

We continue to help more people every year: preventing homelessness, improving the quality of homes, leading law reform and innovation in service delivery, increasing incomes of local people and helping them access life opportunities; and enforcing their legal rights.

Govan Law Centre is founded on the belief that everyone, not just those who can pay for it, deserve the best professional legal services. We believe the law can play a substantial role in delivering social justice and strong communities. It is these values that we continue to strive for improvement; to achieve better outcomes for the people we serve.


Saturday 17 September 2016

Peoples Assembly Scotland: GLC speech on austerity, poverty and the private rented sector

The Peoples Assembly Scotland met today in Glasgow and heard from a range of Scottish trade unionists and campaigners in Scotland and the UK.  Govan Law Centre's Principal Solicitor, Mike Dailly, was invited to speak on austerity, poverty and private rented sector housing - his speech is available here (opens as a PDF).

The People’s Assembly Against Austerity was launched in June 2012, London. It was a call to all those millions of people in Britain facing an impoverished and uncertain future with wages, jobs, conditions and welfare provision under renewed attack by the UK government.

The People’s Assembly Scotland was launched in Scotland in January 2014 to bring together campaigns against cuts and privatisation and trade-unionists, in a movement for social justice. The People’s Assembly in Scotland aims to develop a strategy for resistance to mobilise people against the UK government.