The advice guides were written by Govan Law Centre for the Glasgow Homelessness Partnership and are available as PDFs by clicking on the links above.
Glasgow City Council has also announced it will publish its 'section 11' data (i.e. information on the number of new eviction or repossession actions commenced by named landlords and secured lenders)on a quarterly basis here.
The top 5 'worst' landlords and lenders in terms of the number of new cases raised in Glasgow for the period April to June 2009 were as follows:
Housing Association - New Eviction Actions
1. GHA 83
2. Thenew HA 16
3. Govan HA 13
4. Glen Oaks HA 11
5. Northview HA 8/Elderpark HA 8
Lenders - New Mortgage Repossession Actions
1. Bank of Scotland plc 66
2. GE Money 41
3. RBS 30
4. Platform Funding Ltd 24
5. Southern Pacific Mortgage Ltd 20
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