Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Civil court & tribunal solicitor vacancy at Govan Law Centre

GOVAN LAW CENTRE seeks a qualified solicitor to join our legal team in Glasgow.  Competitive salary. We are seeking a qualified solicitor with good civil court and, preferably, tribunal experience.  Experience in the legal fields of housing, homelessness, employment, equalities and public law would be an advantage.

The successful candidate will work from our main office in Orkney Street in Govan.  Regular court appearances will be required.  This is a full time post, however, job sharing will be considered.

This position is in our general court and legal team and will include provision of legal advice and representation for clients in terms of mainly housing, homelessness, employment, debt, public law, community care and disability rights and welfare rights. It will also involve providing legal representation at court and tribunals.

There will be an opportunity to become involved in some of our public interest litigation, test case work, law reform and social policy work.
The successful candidate MUST:
1.     Hold a degree in Scots Law
2.     A diploma in legal practice
3.     An unrestricted Law Society of Scotland practising certificate
4.     Have good research and analytical skills
5.     Ability to work well under supervision
It would be desirable if the candidate had:
1.     Knowledge and experience of issues relating to social welfare law
2.     Experience in appearing in court or tribunal settings
3.     Experience in dealing with vulnerable clients
4.     Experience in handling a large and varied workload
5.     Experience in working within a team setting
Please send a CV and covering letter explaining why you are interested in this post to: Mike Dailly, Principal Solicitor and Solicitor Advocate, Govan Law Centre, 18-20 Orkney Street, Glasgow, G51 2BX or m@ govanlc.comCLOSING DATE: Friday 6th October 2017 at 4pm.
